The Worship at S Hilda's is both traditional and yet contemporary, with a mix of modern and traditional music, ceremonial and informality. Our worshiping life is based around the Celebration of the Eucharist (Mass, Lord's Supper) and supported and strengthened by the Recitation of the Divine Office (Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church). The Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is reserved for the worship of the faithful, and available for the sick and housebound.
The Holy Oils are available for anointing. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) is also available by appointment.
The Holy Oils are available for anointing. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) is also available by appointment.
All people are welcome at S Hilda's, regardless of age or background. There is also a young people's corner for children accompanied by adults during the Sunday Mass.
The people of Cross Green have faithfully supported their parish church which, through them, reflects the history of the area. This is an urban priority, inner-city parish just beyond the city centre, in an area beginning to experience regeneration. There are many of the problems characteristic of poor urban areas. A new housing development has recently been built, and there has been some upgrading of other homes, but the area is blighted by the development of three waste incinerators in the area, despite the objections of the local community.
S Hilda's is under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Wakefield and affiliated to Mission Society of S Wilfrid & S Hilda and to Forward in Faith. We uphold the Catholic faith as taught by the Apostles and as the Church of England teaches in its historic formularies.
S Hilda's is under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Wakefield and affiliated to Mission Society of S Wilfrid & S Hilda and to Forward in Faith. We uphold the Catholic faith as taught by the Apostles and as the Church of England teaches in its historic formularies.